Know Your METs to Lower Breast Cancer Risk/Recurrence

Exercise reduces an individual’s risk of developing breast cancer. Furthermore, in individuals who have already been diagnosed with the disease, exercise reduces the chance of a cancer recurrence as well as improves quality of life.

Below is an easy explanation of the METs pro­gramme which I did for an ini­tia­tive called ChooseToTri.  June O’Connell started Choose­ToTri  after hear­ing me speak at the Irish Cancer Society’s Annual National Breast Cancer Conference (2010) when talking about the relationship between exer­cise and can­cer prevention (METs).

In this video, I explain METs in a clear and easy to under­stand way.

For further information on METs please see:

Murphy METs Programme (Video)

Know your METs for Prevention – Recurrence of Disease

Calculating your weekly METs km-hour


Breast Cancer Awareness – 6 Weeks Beginners Course

Breast Cancer Awareness

Research indicates that physical activity after a diagnosis of breast cancer improves quality of life, reduces fatigue, and assist with energy balance. Both reduced physical activity and the side effects of treatment have been linked to weight gain after a breast cancer IMAG0225diagnosis. Studies have found that women who exercise moderately (the equivalent of walking 3 to 4 hours per week at an average pace (3-4 METs) after a diagnosis of breast cancer have improved survival rates compared with more sedentary women.

6 weeks Beginners Course

I will be offering a 6 weeks beginners course which will cover three theory workshops & three practical training workshops to provide participants with the tools to improve flex­i­bil­ity, bal­ance, co-ordination, mobil­ity, strength, mus­cu­loskele­tal func­tion, bone den­sity and con­fi­dence, in addi­tion to hav­ing an impact on car­dio­vas­cu­lar fit­ness, weight man­age­ment and psy­choso­cial well-being.

To reg­is­ter for the programme par­tic­i­pants must be 3 months post-surgery with med­ical clear­ance.  Course fee €75.  To add your name to the roster or for fur­ther details please email  All participants will be accepted on a ‘first-come, first served basis’ (Additional courses will follow).

Balance in Our Everyday Lives

Homeostasis is an essential part for our health.  But, in order to promote a body in balance our mind needs to contribute. Choices we make in regards to stress reduction, healthy nutrition and regular exercise helps keep an imbalance at bay.

IMAG0188Focus on what makes you feel calm and in control. Managing stress is about taking charge of our thoughts, emotions, schedule, and the way we deal with problems. This isn’t as easy as it sounds.  Identifying our true sources of stress, we have to look closely at our habits, attitude, and excuses.

A regular diet rich in plant foods, fish, and lean protein boosts overall health and clearly helps protect against heart disease and diabetes. However when it comes to exercising inadequate nutrient intake deprives the body of the energy needed to perform, the carbohydrates necessary for glycogen replacement, the protein needed for tissue building and repair, and the micronutrients necessary for normal metabolism and maintenance of body homeostasis.

EilishThe health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore and the benefits are ours for the taking, regardless of our age, sex or physical ability. Our body needs regular exercise, the right food, lifestyle and mental attitude to achieve its true health potential.

Picture of my sister (survivor) and two of her girls out on a walk yesterday in California 🙂

Cardiovascular Exercise: Are You Getting Your METs?

To reap all the benefits cardiovascular exercise (walking, cycling, swimming etc.) can provide, you need to be sure that your fitness routine is providing you with the right number of METs. Group walk

METs are the rate at which our bodies use oxygen (metabolic equivalents). If you accumulate >15 METs every week, then you get significant benefits in terms of fighting cancer. Studies have shown as little as 9 MET/hrs of physical activity over a seven day period increases survival rate for breast and bowel cancers.

Your fitness level has a direct impact on how many METS you expend per minute. So let’s say it take you 16 minutes to walk a mile, your pace is 3.75 miles per hour, which corresponds to 4.3 METs per hour. If you walk 3 ½ hours over a seven day period you will accumulate 15 METs for your week.

I will be giving exercise and nutrition talks for patients, families, survivors and health professionals during breast cancer awareness month as part of my pro-active educational programmes  One of these talks will take place Thursday, 16 October 7:30pm–9:00pm at Good Counsel G.A.A. Club Davitt Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12.  This event is special for me because it takes place in my own home town.

Hope to see lots of familiar faces 🙂

FREE EVENT – ALL WELCOME Marie Murphy_Breast Cancer Awareness Month_Save the date

Please contact Marie at if you would like a customised training programme.

Nutrition & Cancer

A good cancer diet is similar to a cancer prevention diet. The main differences are that people undergoing chemotherapy may have higher nutritional needs and poor appetites. It is very important to eat the most nutritious foods you can get. A diet that is high in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, fish, and low in fat, high in fibre is cancer protective.

Cancer treatments may decrease appetite and lower the ability to digest food which may interfere with the body’s ability to absorb and use nutrients. Focus should be placed on getting enough calories to keep up strength and eating a healthy a diet as possible to boost the immune system to help deal with possible nutritional deficiencies.

Think of the Irish Flag ‘plenty of green, white and orange fruits & vegetables. Make sure your diet contains plenty of low-fat protein, such as cold-water fish (salmon, sardines, and mackerel) beans, and white meat chicken or turkey.

Protein rebuilds muscle and tissue which is particularly important when your body has undergone chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Good fat such as olive oil and omega 3 oils including flax seed oil and fish oil are important, while processed fats and oils, such as Trans & hydrogenated fats in margarines and fats used for baking should be avoided.

Keep well

Cancer fighting foods and drinks

Benefits of Water Soluble Fibre Foods

Meal Planning

Carbohydrate & Protein Gram Chart

Ireland’s 2014 Report Card

Based on the results from Ireland’s 2014 Report Card on physical activity in children and youth, physical activity levels remain low in Ireland.Running on sand dunes

  • Overall Physical Activity Levels D-
  • Organized Sport Participation C-
  • Physical Education D-

The estimated contribution of physical inactivity to the burden of disease in Ireland was estimated at 8.8% for coronary heart disease, 10.9% for type 2 diabetes, 15.2% for breast cancer, and 15.7% for colon cancer.

To see change in these types of statistics we need to have Physical Activity part of our National Schools curriculum.  All children and youth should have the opportunity of a ‘quality’ experience of school-based physical activity and sport.  At least 4 hours/week of sport and physical activity during school PE would be acceptable.

During my eighteen years coaching high school track & field and cross country in California; students joining my team first needed to pass the ACSM’s (American College of Sports Medicine) guidelines in prevention. If they did not pass first time out they trained with the team until they accomplished the goal and then they competed for their school.  At the same time I had concerns for the students who did not participate; who I knew at 15-17 years of age were not in a state of prevention of disease. It took five years in gathering data on my teams before my school changed its curriculum and physical activity became mandatory.

We have many of these types of students here in Ireland that need to meet the recommended guidelines for lowering their risks later in life.  It is up to us to give our children and youth the best possible outlook for their future.  As we all know Health is our Wealth

Let’s get moving!



Breast Cancer Awareness: 10 Tips in Starting an Exercise Programme after Treatment

  1. Get clearance from your Doctor before starting any fitness programme.
  2. Have a qualified Fitness Instructor design/guide your fitness programme.IMAG0226
  3. Walk a minimum of 3 days a week (advancing to 5 days).
  4. Incorporate resistance training 1 day a week (advancing to 2 days).
  5. Set a goal of 15 weeks to maintain consistency and see improvements in your fitness.
  6. Aim to achieve 15-20 MET/hrs/week within one year of starting your programme.


    5-10 MET/hrs/week 1-4 months

    10-15 MET/hrs/week 5-8 months

    15-20 MET/hrs/week 9-12 monthsIMAG0290

  1. Eat a healthy diet: high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, low in fat and high in fibre.
  2. Drink a minimum 1.5 litres of water a day (water is the most important nutrient).
  3. Keep a record of your training to see your improvements and help motivate you.
  4. A little a lot, is better than, a lot a little.  (To do something often you have to enjoy what it is you are doing).

How to avoid fatigue during training

Glass of water plus jug

Your daily intake will have a big impact on how you feel. Without a proper, balanced diet you can start to feel sluggish and are likely to become fatigued- so ensure that you eat healthy meals at the correct times as well as fueling before, during and after your workouts. Keep in mind high water-volume foods also pro­vide your body with flu­ids.

Poor hydration can adversely affect your mental as well as your physical performance. Staying hydrated helps prevent tiredness as well as lower your risk of injury. Have a water bottle within arm’s reach at all times.  Drink at least 1.5 litres of water daily.

To avoid tiredness ensure you get enough sleep. Your body needs sleep to recharge and allow you to continue with your training schedule as well as repair and rebuild your muscles.

Caffeine can cause restlessness and sleeping difficulties. Cutting down on the amount of caffeine you drink in the evening will help avoid a restless night’s sleep.

Stress is one of the most common reasons for feeling tired — so the most important thing to do is identify what is causing your stress in the first place. Taking a few days off or using different muscle groups, can make a big difference to your overall energy levels.

Fatigue is usually a temporary situation brought on by overdoing it on a particular day or group of days. Good lifestyle choices that include a healthy diet, exercise, and sleep management should eliminate long-term tiredness, but if fatigue persists then seek advice from your doctor.

Exercise & Nutrition Workshop

This past week I was asked to deliver a workshop on Exercise & Nutrition for teachers of SICCDA’s Afterschool Programmes which provide daily afterschool childcare to approximately 150 children living in the Liberties area of Dublin 8.

picture of woman's feet walking

Their programmes provide participants with homework support, nutritious snacks and enriching extra-curricular activities in a warm, caring, child-centred environment. Camps during school holidays provide participants with fun, meaningful activities which provide continuity for children, and facilitate childcare needs.

The sixteen teachers who attended my workshop operated from the following schools;

  • Scoil San Seamus CBS, Basin Lane
  • St Enda’s National School, Whitefriar Street
  • Francis Street CBS, Francis Street
  • Warrenmount Primary School
  • Scoil Treasa Naofa

It was a very positive experience engaging with the teachers over the course of the day. They found learning about the METs very interesting. All teachers took part in doing a fitness evaluation (1 mile walk) to see how their own fitness level measured up to the guidelines for prevention of disease. The sun was shining as we walked along the canal from Basin Lane to Rialto Bridge; all completing the course within 14 to18 minutes. So if you see a large group of children walking briskly along the canal over the coming weeks you’ll know teachers are measuring their METs.

Changing your exercise routine

It’s a good idea to change your exercise routines because your muscles get bored with the same repetitive exercises.

As an athlete I’ve spent a great number of hours running.  One of the key elements to my training is keeping a variety to my workouts.  When travelling I generally stay at hotels that accommodate a gym.  Not that I use the gym on every occasion but I like the idea of having the choice.

Marie in Co.Clare small

Checking out the weights in my hotel.

I recently traveled to Co. Clare and while I spent most of my time outdoors sightseeing I did avail of the gym in the evening.  I changed my mode of exercise to the stair climber machine, and decreased the duration which allowed increasing my intensity.

I followed the climber by doing free weights, a shorter version of my regular routine finishing off with light stretching before heading to relax in the jacuzzi.

By changing things up, you stimulate muscle growth. Muscles get jump-started by new routines and you’ll see differences immediately.

You discover an entire range of new exercises when you change your routine, which also keeps you from getting bored. With the Easter break here take the opportunity to change your exercise routine and feel the benefits!