Health & Fitness

woman running in the park









I design exercise programmes for people at many different levels of fitness. The Murphy (METs) Programme – is designed to suit all levels of fitness, even those who have never exercised previously.

The focus of the Murphy (METs) Programme is to improve flexibility, balance, co-ordination, mobility, strength, musculoskeletal function, bone density and confidence, in addition to having an impact on cardiovascular fitness, weight management and psychosocial well-being.

The pro­gramme has been authen­ti­cated else­where so par­tic­i­pants can be sure it works but it does require a level of com­mit­ment on their part.  

For those who would like to train specifically for an event the following personalised training programmes are available:

Marathon Programme

Half Marathon Programme

5km & 10km Programme

If you would like to register for a personalised training programme please fill out the forms below and return to Marie at

Registration Form (Murphy (METs) Programme

Registration Form 5k, 10k, half marathon, full marathon

Registration Form (Nutrition)

Health Questionnaire

Nutritional Status Questionnaire

Quality of Life Questionnaire

MMP Waiver