I am passionate about health and fitness and the vital part it plays in our everyday lives.
As a professional athlete, I have been lucky throughout my career to be able to design and develop health & fitness programmes that can make a real difference in the quality of people’s lives.
I am a former Irish Olympian – having successfully participated as a marathon runner in Seoul in 1988.
My programme, ‘The Murphy (METs) Programme‘ was picked up by the Irish Cancer Society in 2010, where I was contracted to carry out five studies in breast (3), bowel (1) and prostate (1) cancer. The results of the first three studies, The Murphy (METs) Programme: The Irish Experience of Delivering Physical Activity for Cancer Survivors, has since been published and acknowledged by the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) 2012.
Before my work here in Ireland, I lived in California for many years, initially as a professional athlete and later as a consultant in Health & Fitness. The last 14 years were spent primarily in the field of breast cancer, during which I consulted to Dr Susan Love (breast cancer researcher and author) and held positions as Cardiovascular & Strength Consultant for UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine and Consultant Exercise Specialist Simms-Mann UCLA Centre for Integrative Oncology.
Currently, I work in Dublin as a Health Assessor for RediCare Ltd. My role is assessing the health of employees at different Corporate Organisations. I also work part-time as a Physical Trainer for Siel Bleu Ireland, working with the elderly and individuals with mental and physical impairments.
My programme, the Murphy (METs) Programme, is now available for Exercise Professionals to become qualified in delivering the programme to cancer survivors or those with long-term health conditions. Please see Trainers Short Course for further information..
My exercise programmes
These programmes improve general well-being and help in the prevention of disease. My programmes are aimed at those who might want to:
- lose weight and improve fitness.
- improve fitness levels with clear and achievable goals,
- improve quality of life after cancer treatment/chronic disease.
- participate at an advanced professional level.
The benefits of my programme are:
- Exercise assessment is vital to ensure that the exercises you are doing are appropriate and safe,
- Regular physical activity such as ‘The Murphy (METs) Programme’ can help lower the risk of disease,
- Nutrition advice and support can help you make healthier food choices.
The programme can be tailored to suit your individual requirements.
If you would like to schedule a consultation regarding your health and fitness or register for one of my programmes, please don’t hesitate to contact me.