Background Information
Murphy (METs) Programme is a low to moderate intensity physical activity programme. It is open to everyone. The programme is specifically designed to be safe for people with controlled chronic conditions. It is designed to suit all levels of fitness, even those who have never exercised previously.
The Murphy (METs) Programme involves conditioning, strengthening, and endurance phases. Participants are encouraged to exercise at a level that has been determined on an individual basis. The type of equipment used is with free weights (dumbbells).
Marie’s goal is to ensure that all participants perform each exercise correctly and safely, before advancing to a strengthening phase. Proper technique for each exercise is usually achieved during the conditioning phase (3-4 weeks).
The focus of the Murphy (METs) Programme is to improve flexibility, balance, co-ordination, mobility, strength, musculoskeletal function, bone density and confidence, in addition to having an impact on cardiovascular fitness, weight management and psychosocial well-being.